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The Power of Deep Listening Video

By Roger Allen

Listening Skills Online Course

By Roger K. Allen, Ph.D.

By enrolling in this course, you’ll learn the art and power of deep listening. As you listen deeply, you create a climate of respect based on non-judgment and receptivity that allows others to express themselves fully. You make it safe for them to express not only surface opinions but also their deeper feelings and needs as well as find their inner experience and wisdom.

The Importance of Deep Listening

I define deep listening as suspending judgment and being fully present with another person to understand his or her experience or point of view. Deep listening involves hearing more than the words of the speaker but taps into the deeper meaning, unspoken needs, and feelings conveyed. It is something that is done with your heart as well as your mind. Have you ever spoken to someone who was fully engaged and interested? Who made you feel you were the only person in the world at that moment? That is the power of deep listening. It begins with recognizing that everyone with whom you interact wants to heard and understood. It is your willingness to offer them this gift. The ability to listen deeply is the heart and essence of every healthy relationship. The best and most trusted leaders, bosses, co-workers, spouses/partners, parents, helping professionals, friends, customer service reps, grocery clerks, etc. know how to listen.  There are few more valuable gifts you can give the people in your life than that of a willingness and ability to listen deeply.

Most of us are not good listeners

Unfortunately, most of us are not good listeners. We tend to:
  • Get distracted by random thoughts or what’s going on around us
  • Interpret what others say through our own filters (biases, feelings, motives, experiences)
  • Tune out because we think we already know what someone is going to say
  • Think that what others have to say isn’t important
  • Focus on formulating our response rather than hearing them out
  • Quickly judge (agree or disagree) rather than opening ourselves to another’s point of view
  • Wait impatiently for someone to finish so we can talk
  • Shut down messages we don’t want to hear
  • Hear the words only and not the deeper needs or meaning conveyed
  • Take over the conversation by our comments and questions
  • Offer solutions and “quick fixes” rather than guiding others to their own wisdom and experience
  • Try to make others feel better rather than letting them own and work through their experience

What you will get out of the course

By going through this course, you’ll come away understanding the value and power of listening. More importantly, you’ll come away knowing how to be a good listener and, thereby, become better at influencing others and building powerful relationships. Specifically, you will learn to:
  • Establish deeper connections with people
  • Build trust, rapport, and goodwill
  • Bridge understanding and foster unity of vision and purpose
  • Acquire vital information that makes you better at decision-making and problem-solving
  • Overcome friction and conflict
  • Listen non-defensively to difficult messages
  • Use active listening steps to improve your relationships
  • Promote learning, growth, and even healing
  • Unleash motivation
  • Empower others to take responsibility so they can do or be their best

Course Format

Section One: An overview of listening; tips to get the most out of the course; a survey to assess your listening skills and, thereby measure your progress. Section two:  The case for good listening in all areas of your life; stories and case studies to demonstrate the power of good listening. Section three: Our natural, yet harmful habits when listening; observation of a live group; case study of poor listening responses; replacing negative patterns with healthier responses. Section four: Case studies and examples of good vs. poor listening; how to get to "bedrock" or solid ground during listening; opening communication so you can go deeper to deal with real issues. Section five: How to listen; the impact of assumptions; the goals of listening; the steps of good listening; exercises, application, and practice. Section six: Moving from listening to problem-solving; listening in context of other skills; learning how to ask questions which invite others solve their own problems without taking over for them. Section seven: Conclusion and summary; final thoughts; bonus lecture; post-course listening survey to see how far you've come. I’m confident you will improve and, as you do so, people will notice and appreciate the way in which you can be there for them and support them in solving their problems and also achieving their visions, what they’re most excited about in life. ENROLL NOW


“The instructor is very informative, interesting and he gives you reasons up front why you need to take this course and the benefits of why it is important. I urge others to really consider taking this course, as it is full of tips about why the skill of listening is so important and how to improve your own listening skills to improve the relationships around you.”

Holly A. Kline

“A fantastic course for everyone at any stage of life. This subject is rarely given the attention it needs; at least in my life, I assumed because I could hear I was able to listen. So many wasted interactions. The commitment is small. The material is well put together, and Roger does a fantastic job in delivering it. The exercises and examples really help with understanding and taking the steps you need to put this material into practice. So much of your success in life, both personally and professionally, will depend on how well you master this skill.”

Dimiter Pecev

“This is an Excellent course on Listening! I started applying what I have learned from this course and noticed the amazing benefits both my personal and professional life. I highly recommend this course to everyone!”

Jo Missi

“The course was profound and easy to understand. I am excited to apply the learnings at home and in my sales career.”

James Carlo Seva

“I loved this course and my listening skills have definitely improved. Thank you.”

Anastasia Jacobs

“Loved this course, thank you! Really learnt a lot and am enjoying putting these valuable skills into practice. Great course!”

Lisa Sherriff

Very interesting course! Makes you think and become more aware of how you listen… or don’t listen… I particularly enjoyed all of the examples which help you really understand how to put into practice deep listening. I will treasure what I have learned and try hard to become a better listener from now on, and hopefully also a better parent, friend and partner.

Noemi Calabrese

“It was a very enjoyable journey. Clear, with a lot of examples that challenge us to response in a more positive way. I felt first when I heard those examples that I would never be able to answer this or that. I became more aware of what could prevent me from doing so and I’m more than willing to practice again and again to reach that goal of deep listening. Thank you for that course. ”

Aude Sagnier

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