Empowering People Strengthening Relationships

Who Am I

Roger K. Allen,

Hi and a BIG welcome to my page.

I’m a husband to Judy, father of 4 married adult children and 15 grandchildren (7 boys and 8 girls). In addition to creating content in personal development and relationships, I love spending time outdoors hiking, skiing and running, especially mountain trails.

Best-Selling Online Video Programs

Become a Master at Resolving Conflict at Home and Work

Our Natural Tendencies are Harmful My professional experience tells me that many of our natural tendencies during conflict are harmful. Some people go into an…

Creating a Happy Marriage and Loving Relationship-Online Marriage Course

We Long for Companionship And yet, in spite of the challenges of building a happy relationship, it is natural for us to want to find…

Communication Skills Masterclass: A Blueprint for Home and Work

I agree. Communication is at the heart of our relationships. In fact, I will say that the quality of our relationships is a function of…

Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life

Product Description The course is based on three truths: First is that you want to be happy. You want to feel joy, peace and love.…

Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass

This course is for you, if: You grew up in difficult childhood circumstances, including poverty, neglect, abuse, or relationship instability. You face, today, a constant…

The Power of Deep Listening Video

The Importance of Deep Listening I define deep listening as suspending judgment and being fully present with another person to understand his or her experience…

Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible, Mature Children (Online Course)

The Challenges of Parenting During the course I’m going to talk about many of the challenges that come at us almost daily. For example, what…

Fundamentals of Life Coaching Certification

Practical, Powerful Tools As a psychologist and coach with years of professional experience, I provide you with powerful tools to help people improve, even transform…

Resolve Conflict by Managing Your Emotions

Some people, in the middle of conflict, go into an aggressive and fight mode, others run emotionally and resort to silence or appeasement, and still…

Building Relationships of Empathy, Trust, and Goodwill

Therefore, much of your effectiveness and success in all aspects of your life depends upon the quality of your relationships. When your relationships are poor,…

Employee Engagement-Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds

A Personal Story I recall sitting in the cafeteria of a respected manufacturing company one day having an informal chat with an employee by the…

Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performance

A Seven Step Process to Improve Work Performance and Employee Behavior Developing the confidence and ability to speak respectfully, candidly and yet firmly to poor…

Thinking Like a CEO

  The model will help you step back from the day-to-day operation and look at your business or organization from a wholistic and systems point…

Own It! By Grand Key Education

Purchase Today If you would like to purchase this product, click on the button below. Use discount code "RKATEEN" when purchasing. Give your teen an…


The Discipline to Do Hard Things-A Key to Resilience

The Discipline to Do Hard Things-A Key to Resilience

I realize that there is a strong connection between resilience and the discipline to do hard things. Knowing that I can do hard things gives me the inner strength to face all the challenges of my life–be they physical, social, emotional or mental. So in this post I want to share about a personal experience […]

By rogerkallen

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Tips to Be Happy-What We Know from Science

Tips to Be Happy-What We Know from Science

I’ve long been interested in understanding happiness and, consequently, have stayed abreast of this body of research over the last several years. Now I want to share what I’ve learned from the  science of happiness (as well as share a number of tips to be happy). According to science, our happiness can be attributed to […]

By rogerkallen

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Playing the Victim in My Marriage

Playing the Victim in My Marriage

In my last blog post, I talked about how we are responsible for our own happiness in marriage. This is not something we can sluff off on our spouses. That doesn’t mean I always walk my talk. In this article, I want to share a story about playing the victim in my marriage. Hopefully, it […]

By rogerkallen

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Opening Your Heart to the Love Inside

Opening Your Heart to the Love Inside

I recently read an analogy about love written by Don Luis Miguel called the magical kitchen. I want to share and also expand on his analogy in my post today. It’s about opening your heart to the love inside. The Magical Kitchen Imagine that you have a magical kitchen. You have any food you want […]

By rogerkallen

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Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible Children

Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible Children

Stop over-managing and over-indulging your children and learn parenting skills to build trust, self-worth and personal responsibility.

By rogerkallen

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Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Expectations are the specific beliefs that you have brought into your marriage about the way things will or should be. In general, if your expectations are met then you are happy. If not, you experience disappointment and frustration. Therefore, understanding and learning to negotiate your expectations is a key factor in your marital success.

By rogerkallen

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My State of Overwhelm

My State of Overwhelm

Yesterday I fell into a state of overwhelm. I’ve had some personal/family worries going on plus a number of significant and unpredicted work projects that landed on me in the past week, which not only raised my level of anxiety but are also squeezing me to get more done in a relatively short period of time.My initial reaction was to feel immobilized, not knowing where to start or how to proceed in dealing with these challenges. It seemed like they were all not only big but of equal importance. So I spent my day shifting my attention back and forth from one task to another, in the end feeling quite unproductive and emotionally unsettled.

By rogerkallen

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Standing for Something

Standing for Something

I recently watched the 1982 movie “Gandhi.” What an incredible story about the power of integrity, living from ones deepest beliefs, even in the face of severe opposition and danger. Standing for Something In one poignant scene, early in the movie as he is just beginning to rally his fellow Indians against the tyranny of […]

By rogerkallen

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Defining Your Purpose

Defining Your Purpose

Three Levels of Vision There are three levels of a personal vision or rules to define your purpose, all equally important—why, how and what. “Why” do you exist? What is your personal mission or your purpose? As you step back from your day-to-day routine, how do you define what your life is about? Answering this […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Build Positive Relationships

How to Build Positive Relationships

In my last post I talked about the relationship between positive relationships and happiness. Unhappiness is not a mental illness caused by something mysterious going on the brain. Generally, it can be linked to what is going on in your relationships. How are you and your boss (or co-workers) getting along? To what extent do […]

By rogerkallen

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Living From My Higher Self

Living From My Higher Self

If you’ve read The Hero’s Choice, or followed me for very long, then you’re familiar with the Serenity Model, which suggests four different ways of being–Survival (all about fear and just getting by), Security (about being safe and pleasing others), Success (about achieving and accomplishing), and Serenity (about living consciously, from choice). Serenity Serenity is […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Become Emotionally Mature in a Relationship

How to Become Emotionally Mature in a Relationship

Hal hated Charlie, everything about him, from his knowing sneer to his rolling swagger. When he saw him enter the restaurant with Keith, he wished fervently he could get away and considered getting up and walking out of the breakfast meeting, without a word to either of his two former partners. But then he garnered his faculties and decided to accept this reality. He would choose how to respond, and his choice would be to be cordial and cooperative. He felt a surge of strength as he realized that handling himself in a dignified manner with both these men would be a bigger personal victory than if he met with Keith alone.

By rogerkallen

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What My Customers and
Students are Saying

The Hero’s Choice is a compelling story that will teach you to live from the inside out rather than the outside in; to make choices, day in and day out, consistent with your highest self. I highly recommend it for anyone committed to living with purpose and meaning.

Dr. Stephen R. Covey

author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit

This is the best purchase that I have made for myself in my life. A family is the smallest and the most precious institution in a society, healthy societies start within the health families, to save and protect this institution so much effort is needed, I think the instructor teaches all the necessary tools to maintain this unity.

Memis Cetinkaya

student in How to Create a Happy Marriage and Loving Relationship

The principles taught here resonate deeply within me and have already helped me to view conflict differently, and given me tools to practice healthy and respectful dialogue that honors what is important to both sides. I feel more empowered to advocate for myself and help my children advocate for themselves, and have experienced more meaningful connection with them as I apply what I’m learning. The things I learned will be life changing in a positive way for me and for my family.

Emily Pond Ricks

life Coach and mother of four and student in Becoming a Master at Managing Conflict at Home and Work

I want so much to express my deepest love and gratitude for teaching me in such a beautiful way those principles of truth that literally changed my life overnight. I have never been happier. The things I learned from you have set me free because I have learned to love myself and to be completely open and honest. It’s amazing that I have lived my whole life for others approval but I’m so excited to have the rest of my life to do it my way

Sally Hollingshead

student in Making Things Happen

A fantastic course for everyone at any stage of life. This subject is rarely given the attention it needs; at least in my life, I assumed because I could hear I was able to listen. So many wasted interactions. The commitment is small. The material is well put together, and Roger does a fantastic job in delivering it. The exercises and examples really help with understanding and taking the steps you need to put this material into practice. So much of your success in life, both personally and professionally, will depend on how well you master this skill.

Dimiter Pecev

student in The Power of Deep Listening

With gratitude and a sincere thank you for making available a superb course. I found it contained immeasurable value in terms of knowledge and practical application crafted within the Four Pillars of Resilience.

Joseph P

student in Mastering Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass

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