
A Perfect Happiness Score

happiness of a little boy playing in sprinklers

I talked, in my last post, about what we learn from science about happiness and suggested three core themes from the happiness literature (the ABCs of happiness).

I want to continue this topic by sharing a short video on the topic. Before you watch it, let me just share a bit of the backstory. The woman featured in the video is a former school teacher in Los Angeles. Since retiring, she has opened her home, in evenings and on weekends, to struggling youth. And just before this video she went through a surgery which left her partially paralyzed.

As you watch the clip, I’d like you to pay attention to what she teaches about happiness.

A Perfect Happiness Score

Video clip: the Perfect Score

I’d love to be together to talk about this video. Since we cannot, what sticks out for you? What did you learn about how she brings happiness into her life every day? Of course, we’re only talking here about how she starts her day.

But I love what she shared. She starts her day by being intentional about what she wants. “This day I choose…” She offers gratitude, thanks for the simple things, the kinds of things that most of us take for granted. Then she meditates. She does something she enjoys—she watches cartoons. And she thinks about who she might serve. As the day goes on, young people come to her home. This is a woman who gives amazing service.

As I have watched this video, I’ve been struck by this woman’s smile, her unassuming manner, and the simplicity of her daily habits. I learn from her that happiness is not “out there” in some distant future when she is, in some way, more, better or different. Her happiness is “here” and “now.” A kind of happiness available to all of us.

What about You?

What is your happiness score? What small change could you make to bring greater happiness into your life today?


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