
How Resilient are You? Take the Resilience Survey to Find Out

woman completing a survey on resilience.

How Resilient Are You?

If you’ve been following me then you know that I’ve been writing about resilience. So today, I’m offering you a resilience survey to do a self-assessment on four dimensions of resilience.  As you do the assessment, you are establishing a baseline for not only thinking about resilience but measuring your growth in the future. Come back to the survey in the future. You can even use it to set goals for yourself in areas you want to improve.


Use a scale of 0 to 10 to rate yourself on each of the following statements. (0 means that this is not at all true of you and 10 means it is totally true.) You can do this by printing a hard copy of the survey (if you’re at a desk) or by taking out a sheet of paper and jotting down your rating on each of the twenty-four questions.  Then tally your results.

And let me ask you to take your time with these questions rather than rush through them. You can learn a lot about resilience and how you might grow in resilience as you ponder them. 

  1. I bounce back from stress pretty quickly.
  2. I generally know what I’m feeling.
  3. I’m good at coping with negative emotions.
  4. I don’t beat myself up when I don’t succeed.
  5. I know how to calm myself when something upsets me.
  6. I’m good at taking care of my needs.
  7. I’m generally buoyant and optimistic.
  8. I sometimes pause to enjoy the world around me.
  9. I’m able to challenge negative or destructive thinking.
  10. I can sit quietly.
  11. I’m flexible. If something isn’t working, I’m able to pivot and try something else.
  12. I’m able to recognize my thoughts when I’m feeling down or upset.
  13. I would say that I have friends and a good support network.
  14. I have someone to talk to when things are tough.
  15. I’m pretty good at empathy and listening to other people.
  16. I like the groups I belong to.
  17. I’m able to let others own their own problems.
  18. I can say “No” to requests that don’t fit with my priorities.
  19. I feel good about myself most of the time.
  20. I trust my own opinions more than those of others.
  21. I have a sense of purpose about the direction of my life.
  22. I set and work towards the accomplishment of goals.
  23. I’m persistent, determined, and motivated.
  24. I follow a good daily routine.


Now add up your responses to all 24 questions. As you can see, there are 240 possible points. Of course, the higher your score the more resilient you see yourself. If your score is above 200, you view yourself as quite resilient. An overall score below 150 means that you have room to grow in resilience.

Perhaps more important than your overall score is looking at your scores on individual questions or even categories of questions.  (Questions 1-6 have to do with how you manager your feelings. Questions 7-12 have to do with how you manage your thinking. Questions 13-18 relate to the quality of your relationships. And questions 19-24 have to do with your sense of self.) These categories correspond with what I consider to be the four foundation principles of resilience.

So what do you think about your overall score on the survey? Where are you low or high? Do you see any patterns in your answers? How much do your scores vary by category? Where are your greatest opportunities for growth? Do you desire to grow in resilience and your ability to handle life’s challenges?

Leave a comment or share a thought. And in upcoming posts, I’ll talk more about strategies for both managing stress and growing in resilience.



  1. Katrina E.

    This is wonderful! It helped me to realize my strengths as well as my opportunities for growth. Dr. Allen, I have been following you for a few years and am never disappointed. Your work has been life altering! Thank you so much!

    • Roger Allen

      Thank you for your kind words, Katrina! I’m happy that the survey has been helpful to you. I agree that it’s just as important to see our strengths as where we have opportunities to grow. Resilience is not something we have or lack because it has many dimensions. My best to you.

  2. Shontelle Powell

    Just received your email. Thank you – this will be my homework today. Always looking forward.

    • Roger Allen

      Hi Shontelle. Great. Let me know how the homework goes.

  3. Sandra Rush

    Really liked this one Roger. I’m halfway through your ‘stress and resilience course’ through Udemy; and I’m working through the MOST stressful period of my life right now. So this topic is very helpful to me. Jay and I often quote you and Randy from your “Making Things Happen” course a gazillion years ago. You have made a meaningful impact on our lives. THANKS!

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks Sandra. I know you have a lot of stress in your life right now. I admire your determination to face and move forward. It’s not what you hoped for or expected but it is your reality. Thanks for following me and responding to this post. My best to you and all your family.

  4. Evan McCollum

    Thanks Roger. I always read your messages with great interest. I took this survey. I think you may recall that I have Lyme disease and a bunch of other related or unrelated medical problems. I found myself answering a lot of these questions, “are used to be like that.“ until I got sick, I would’ve scored very high on this test. No, I score very low. So I know I have some work to do. Thanks.

    • Roger Allen

      Hi Evan. It is good to hear from you. Yes, I’m aware you have Lyme’s disease and I can appreciate how that affects your level of wellbeing and resilience. I wish you all the best as you face not only the disease and other medical problems but as you grieve and deal with the emotional overtones of all you’re going through.

  5. SDP

    Thanks Doc. I scored 196. High in Feelings & Thinking/ Low in other 2 areas. Patterns – I guess. Definitely vary by category. I do. Thank you

    • Roger Allen

      You are welcome. They do vary by category. Resilience isn’t all or none. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Emily

    I’m wondering if it’s points given one out q0 q0 veing the highest? Since you mented 240 points possible? Just confirming on how to rate or give myself points. Thanks

    • Roger Allen

      Hi Emily,
      It is 0-10 points for each question with 10 being the highest.


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