
How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing People

How to give feedback to poor performing employees

I’m excited to announce that my course entitled “How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing, Difficult People” has just been added to the Udemy for Business collection.

This matters because of the exclusive nature of the Udemy for Business content (~5% of all courses published on Udemy).

What the Course is About

My experience is that many leaders, managers, and supervisors do a poor job of giving feedback or confronting problem performance or behavior. Doing so is challenging and it often seems easier to ignore or side-step sensitive issues hoping they’ll go away. Unfortunately they don’t. Problems fester and the difficult people who fail to meet expectations become a toxic influence on their coworkers and drag down the morale or performance of the majority.

Therefore, developing the confidence and ability to have difficult conversations and offer honest feedback to poor performing people is a necessary skill for any leader, supervisor or manager and a necessary ingredient for building a great organization.

The purpose of this course is to teach you how. You’ll learn how to set and communicate your expectations and then hold people accountable.  You’ll also learn a proven, 7-step strategy for giving feedback to difficult or non-compliant people. I’ll illustrate these concepts with multiple case studies and scenarios that will help you learn and apply these strategies to your current relationships with your employees.

If you lead people or want to learn how to have difficult conversations and hold people accountable, click here to take advantage of my discounted price.

Here’s what my students are saying:

“The course is short and concise as the author defines a process with actionable steps and guidelines for handling difficult conversations. In the last sections, there are some common scenarios in which you can see how the whole process comes into play and recognize the notions outlined in the first part. Before taking the course, I was clueless on how to even approach such a discussion, but now I feel like I have the notions and the tools to improve my confrontational skills.” Marius N.

“Yes. The insights are beneficial and knowledgeable. Instead of exploding on the Employee hoping to reach an understanding of what is being presented, a calm and clear questionnaire will suffice. The problem will not rely on Management to resolve but on the Employee moving forward.” Paublo G.

“I found the course very helpful because I deal with a lot of these people and I needed help confronting them.” Larry S.


Roger Allen


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