

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing People

How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing People

I’m excited to announce that my course entitled “How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing, Difficult People” has just been added to the Udemy for Business collection. This matters because of the exclusive nature of the Udemy for Business content (~5% of all courses published on Udemy). What the Course is About My experience is […]

By rogerkallen

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New Course – Thinking Like a CEO

New Course – Thinking Like a CEO

Thinking Like a CEO I want to let you know I that just launched a new course entitled “Thinking Like a CEO.” The course is for any of you who lead others or even work for a company or organization (including volunteer organization) and want to better understand and even speak about your organization in […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Listening at Work

The Power of Listening at Work

In a past article, I suggested that listening is at the heart of all healthy relationships, whether at home or on the job. In this article, I want to illustrate the power of listening at work. Here’s a story for you. From excitement to endurance Mitchell worked for a large manufacturing company for 18 years. […]

By rogerkallen

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Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds

Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds

Hi my friend, I recently launched my new course entitled “Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds: 17 Tools to Improve Your Team Management and Build Employee Engagement.” Increase the motivation, commitment and engagement of your team members Create a positive climate in which people want to give their best Spend less time reacting and fighting […]

By rogerkallen

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Are you a Reactive or Proactive Leader?

Are you a Reactive or Proactive Leader?

Research tells us that 70-80% of leaders spend a good deal of their time in a reactive mode. You probably know what I mean. They’re down in the weeds, sometimes fighting fires or dealing with the crisis of the moment or handling day-to-day issues to keep an organization running smoothly. And, I get that some […]

By rogerkallen

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Creating a Culture That Empowers People

Creating a Culture That Empowers People

In my last blog post, I shared my personal bias that most employees want to succeed. They want to contribute and make a difference. Furthermore, it’s our job as leaders to make this possible by creating a culture which empowers people; a culture in which everyone wants to give their best. Yet so often this […]

By rogerkallen

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From Delegation to Employee Empowerment

From Delegation to Employee Empowerment

In my transition from practicing psychology to full-time consulting, I was asked to serve as a director of Human Resources for a 2000-person electronics firm in the Pacific Northwest. My initial reaction was “No. I have no training in HR and am not qualified.” However, after some back and forth with the company president, I […]

By rogerkallen

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Collaborators Make the Best Leaders

Collaborators Make the Best Leaders

Definition of Leadership Many people have weighed in with different definitions of leadership. Mine is pretty simple—influencing others to accomplish meaningful results. Leadership is not only about what we do on our own but how we influence others to raise their standards and performance to accomplish results. The best leaders are collaborators who inspire, empower, […]

By rogerkallen

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