

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

My Ideal Self, 10 Years in the Future

My Ideal Self, 10 Years in the Future

o This is the time of year when many of us set goals. In fact, I spend the first few days of the new year thinking through my personal and professional goals. It was a useful exercise and I’ve come away with clarity and enthusiasm for this upcoming year. In general, our goals have to […]

By rogerkallen

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Finding Meaning in Goal-Setting

Finding Meaning in Goal-Setting

If you go back a few months, you know that I’ve been talking about the B part of the ABCs of happiness—Becoming. I’ve shared a number of strategies for becoming that include spending time in nature, getting exercise and building fun and recreation into your life. We’ve looked at quieting yourself through different practices of […]

By rogerkallen

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Get Moving

Get Moving

In past weeks I’ve talked about a number of strategies for nourishing yourself and finding greater peace and happiness in your life. These are practices such as breathing, mindfulness, savoring and meditation—practices for quieting yourself and connecting more deeply with your inner self. And now I want to shift gears to strategies that require you to […]

By rogerkallen

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Becoming-Nourishing That Unseen Part of You

Becoming-Nourishing That Unseen Part of You

I’ve introduced, in the past, the ABCs of happiness: Appreciating, Becoming, and Connecting. I’ve also written quite a bit about appreciating in past blog posts. I define it as an attitude of gratitude, expressing thanks for the goodness of your life and what has made it so. Today, I want to turn our attention to […]

By rogerkallen

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The Three Sources of Happiness

The Three Sources of Happiness

A couple of years ago I started on a journey to understand happiness. It’s a concept that has been well studied in the past fifteen years. Social scientists have learned a lot about the mental strategies of happy people, strategies which can be used by anyone who wants to increase their happiness and well-being.In particular, […]

By rogerkallen

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