

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Rebuilding Trust by Managing My Anxiety

Rebuilding Trust by Managing My Anxiety

I recently wrote about a key moment in which I had to make a decision about how to handle a Saturday evening. The choices I made were relatively small in the grand scheme of things but allowed me to experience an enjoyable evening with my wife that could easily have been otherwise. Although small, such […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing People

How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing People

I’m excited to announce that my course entitled “How to Give Feedback to Poor Performing, Difficult People” has just been added to the Udemy for Business collection. This matters because of the exclusive nature of the Udemy for Business content (~5% of all courses published on Udemy). What the Course is About My experience is […]

By rogerkallen

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New Course – Thinking Like a CEO

New Course – Thinking Like a CEO

Thinking Like a CEO I want to let you know I that just launched a new course entitled “Thinking Like a CEO.” The course is for any of you who lead others or even work for a company or organization (including volunteer organization) and want to better understand and even speak about your organization in […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Improve Listening Skills

How to Improve Listening Skills

If you’ve been with me the last several weeks, you know I’m writing about the importance and power of listening. Now I want to talk about how to improve listening skills. I use the word “skill” because listening is something we can practice and develop. But, truthfully, I’m not sure “skill” is the best word […]

By rogerkallen

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Overcome Resistance Through Listening

Overcome Resistance Through Listening

Resistance is common, whether at home or work. You propose an idea and someone pushes back. It’s a good idea, even in their best self-interest and yet they resist. It’s easy to get frustrated and end up entangled in a power struggle that demoralizes everyone and harms the relationship. So, what do you do? Here’s […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Listening at Work

The Power of Listening at Work

In a past article, I suggested that listening is at the heart of all healthy relationships, whether at home or on the job. In this article, I want to illustrate the power of listening at work. Here’s a story for you. From excitement to endurance Mitchell worked for a large manufacturing company for 18 years. […]

By rogerkallen

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Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds

Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds

Hi my friend, I recently launched my new course entitled “Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds: 17 Tools to Improve Your Team Management and Build Employee Engagement.” Increase the motivation, commitment and engagement of your team members Create a positive climate in which people want to give their best Spend less time reacting and fighting […]

By rogerkallen

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Are you a Reactive or Proactive Leader?

Are you a Reactive or Proactive Leader?

Research tells us that 70-80% of leaders spend a good deal of their time in a reactive mode. You probably know what I mean. They’re down in the weeds, sometimes fighting fires or dealing with the crisis of the moment or handling day-to-day issues to keep an organization running smoothly. And, I get that some […]

By rogerkallen

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