

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Breathing Room—a Way to Practice Mindfulness at Home

The Breathing Room—a Way to Practice Mindfulness at Home

Below is a passage from a book of one of my favorite authors, Thich Nhat Hanh. It’s a powerful way to practice mindfulness at home, within your marriage and family relationships. The Breathing Room We have a room for everything—eating, sleeping, watching TV—but we have no room for mindfulness. I recommend that we set up […]

By rogerkallen

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Our world is filled with so much noise and so many distractions that we have become uncomfortable with stillness. If things get quiet, we look at our phones. Or if we’re driving down the street, we turn on the radio. We arrive home and turn on the television or keep ourselves continually busy. This is […]

By rogerkallen

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