

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Dialogue: From Competing to Collaborating

Dialogue: From Competing to Collaborating

In my last article, I introduced four styles of communication.  In this article, I want to do a deeper dive into the meaning of collaboration, the alternative to the patterns of dominating, accommodating, and avoiding. The truth is that all these styles have their place in day-to-day life. However, collaboration becomes crucial as the topic […]

By rogerkallen

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Collaborators Make the Best Leaders

Collaborators Make the Best Leaders

Definition of Leadership Many people have weighed in with different definitions of leadership. Mine is pretty simple—influencing others to accomplish meaningful results. Leadership is not only about what we do on our own but how we influence others to raise their standards and performance to accomplish results. The best leaders are collaborators who inspire, empower, […]

By rogerkallen

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