
I am

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Power of I Am

The Power of I Am

  Bill’s Story I recall an experience from a class I taught several years ago which taught me the power of “I am…” The class was an intensive experience in personal development, lasting four days. Everything seemed to be going well, for most of the participants. They were open, participating in the exercises, and supporting […]

By rogerkallen

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I Choose

I Choose

Last week I wrote about “who” vs. “what.” We all have lots of “what’s” in our lives, situations and events to which we must respond. Some can be quite challenging. However, by knowing who we are and anchoring ourselves in deep, positive beliefs about our identity, we empower ourselves to respond in positive, non-reactive ways […]

By rogerkallen

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“Who” vs. “What” – A Key to Overcoming Adversity

“Who” vs. “What” – A Key to Overcoming Adversity

I recounted in my blog, last week, the story of Elizabeth Smart, the 14-year-old girl kidnapped from her home in the middle of the night and held captive and abused daily for nine months before being freed by law enforcement and returned to her family. “Who” More Than “What” You might recall that I posed […]

By rogerkallen

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