
life in india

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Go For It!

Go For It!

All of us have experienced stress, fear and anxiety. These feelings are unpleasant and so we set our lives up to avoid or minimize them as much as possible. We do this by creating routines and conforming to other’s expectations so we can feel safe and minimize problems, stress and worry. This is good to […]

By rogerkallen

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The Poor–What is My Responsibilty?

The Poor–What is My Responsibilty?

Most Indians are inventive, self-sufficient, and resourceful. I’ve been amazed by the creative ways so many find to make a living and provide for their families. And yet, not surprisingly, we’ve encountered many poor, some who beg for money or food. Seeing them makes me question my responsibility for the poor. Most sad is watching […]

By rogerkallen

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