

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Are You a Warrior . . . Or a Fool?

Are You a Warrior . . . Or a Fool?

It takes a certain amount of courage to set aside your defenses and take a long, honest look at yourself. If you’re ready to break free into a life of abundance and prosperity, it’s time to release the justifications, the illusions, the compliments that people have paid you and the insulting labeling they’ve smeared on […]

By rogerkallen

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Is it Too Late To Change Your Life?

Is it Too Late To Change Your Life?

Well, you’ve had some time to think about your lifeline now. Have you made any discoveries, surprised yourself with any patterns or recollections you weren’t expecting? Fantastic! If you didn’t read my last blog, I encourage you to go back to it by clicking here. We’re embarking on a journey to a new, rich life […]

By rogerkallen

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