
managing emotions

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Managing Anger: A Misunderstood Emotion

Managing Anger: A Misunderstood Emotion

I’ve written quite a bit, recently and in the past, about managing our negative emotions. Learning to do so is a big part of finding peace, growing in emotional intelligence and creating more enriching relationships. Today, I want to help you understand anger, particularly the positive aspects of anger and why it’s an essential emotion […]

By rogerkallen

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Our Defining Moment: Standing Tall in a Pandemic

Our Defining Moment: Standing Tall in a Pandemic

I’ve been thinking about my parents lately. They were part of what we commonly refer to today as the “greatest generation,” those souls born between 1901 to the late 1920s. We call them the “greatest generation” because they lived through a number of defining moments including World War I, the Spanish Flu epidemic, the great […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Face Your Fear

How to Face Your Fear

Many people are overwhelmed by fear, uncertainty, stress, and anxiety as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the globe. So, my purpose in this article is to give you a process to help you face your fear and manage your negative emotions during this time of upheaval. Face your fear and negative feelings associated with it […]

By rogerkallen

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