
personal values

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Writing Your Guiding Principles

Writing Your Guiding Principles

The following excerpt from my book, The Hero’s Choice, tells the story of when Hal (main character) started thinking about his guiding principles. Donald, Hal’s coach and mentor had taken him up a mountain trail and left him with a task of pondering his life in an old, forgotten cemetery.

By rogerkallen

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Example of Living by Guiding Principles

Example of Living by Guiding Principles

Moments after Air Florida’s Flight 90 left the runway at Washington’s National Airport, it was clear that the Boeing 737 was not going to fly. As it shuddered and stalled, the co-pilot said, “We’re going down,” and the pilot answered grimly, “I know it.” With a deafening crash it slammed into the Fourteenth Street Bridge […]

By rogerkallen

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Standing for Something

Standing for Something

I recently watched the 1982 movie “Gandhi.” What an incredible story about the power of integrity, living from ones deepest beliefs, even in the face of severe opposition and danger. Standing for Something In one poignant scene, early in the movie as he is just beginning to rally his fellow Indians against the tyranny of […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You In Harmony With Your Passions?

Are You In Harmony With Your Passions?

Yesterday I discussed Kate, Jeff and Paul, three people who, while very different from each other, shared the fact that they were living in harmony with their passions and as a result had self actualization. Now it’s time to talk about you.  Are you in harmony with your passions?

By rogerkallen

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Are You Happy With What You See?

Are You Happy With What You See?

In a small city in Ohio, police offers make a monthly visit to all members of the city council to deliver a package of information for the upcoming council meeting.  One Tuesday morning, officers arrived at one council woman’s home to find the door ajar.  The officers knocked and called but no one answered and […]

By rogerkallen

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