

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Three Strategies to Shape Your Thinking and Feel More Joy

Three Strategies to Shape Your Thinking and Feel More Joy

  Your brain is a lot like Amazon.com. But instead of books, socks, and vacuum filters (or whatever you buy on Amazon), your brain sells THOUGHTS. Millions of them. And you are the customer. Every day, every minute, inside your mind, you are searching for thoughts, browsing through thoughts, and clicking on the ones you […]

By Emily Ricks

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Handling Fear

Handling Fear

I remember walking home from school one afternoon aware of a looming confrontation between the United States and Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear missiles on the Island of Cuba. President John Kennedy and inner circle had pondered America’s response to the Soviet’s intent and decided to meet the challenge with a military blockade […]

By rogerkallen

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The Empowerment Model

The Empowerment Model

In this article, I want to talk about “The Empowerment Model.” For years, I’ve talked about it in the context of “key moments,” those situations and events in which our emotions are engaged and it’s easy to react or act out our negative feelings. But I like thinking of it as an empowerment model because by […]

By rogerkallen

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Accepting What Is: The Key to Personal Empowerment

Accepting What Is: The Key to Personal Empowerment

One step in the process of personal empowerment is embracing reality or accepting what is. This statement seems counter-intuitive. It seems like if you’re going to make things happen and live your dreams then you can’t be content or accept the way things are, but work or fight to make them different. Paradoxically, however, it […]

By rogerkallen

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