

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Giving Thanks for the Whole of Life

Giving Thanks for the Whole of Life

The Thanksgiving holiday, which we’re celebrating in the US this week, has always been a favorite of mine. Not only is it less commercialized than other holidays, but it invites peaceful reflection and giving thanks for the good things in our lives. We often offer our thanks around a dinner table with family and friends. […]

By rogerkallen

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Getting Along with Family and Bringing More Joy to the Holidays

Getting Along with Family and Bringing More Joy to the Holidays

In just a few days we’ll be celebrating one of my favorite holidays—Thanksgiving. I love the holiday for two primary reasons. First, it’s a day to pause and give thanks for the bounty and abundance of our lives. We know from science that people who make gratitude a part of their everyday lives are happier, […]

By rogerkallen

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