
time management

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Are you a Reactive or Proactive Leader?

Are you a Reactive or Proactive Leader?

Research tells us that 70-80% of leaders spend a good deal of their time in a reactive mode. You probably know what I mean. They’re down in the weeds, sometimes fighting fires or dealing with the crisis of the moment or handling day-to-day issues to keep an organization running smoothly. And, I get that some […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating

Most of us procrastinate, be it putting off doing the dishes, cleaning the house, paying bills, getting a report done at work, having a sensitive conversation, getting started on that book I’ve always wanted to write, going to the gym, and so on. Procrastination is not complex. It comes down to this—we trade doing what […]

By rogerkallen

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