

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

India–A New Chapter in our Lives

India–A New Chapter in our Lives

I’ve mentioned in recent blog posts that my wife and I are going through some big life transitions. We have now sold our house, cars, most of our furniture, and given away most of other material possessions. Everything we own is now in a 200 square foot storage unit or four suitcases. The reason for […]

By rogerkallen

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Being True to My Deepest Values

Being True to My Deepest Values

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” -Anne Sexton (1928-1974) A Beautiful Hike My wife and I were driving in the beautiful Colorado mountains back in late September. For those of you who know Colorado, we were driving over Independence Pass, a stretch of highway between Leadville/Buena Vista and Aspen. Just a […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You The Master Of Your Money?

Are You The Master Of Your Money?

“Sounds confusing!” This line is funny because, of course, the basics of money management aren’t confusing at all.  They can be summarized in a few simple steps:

By rogerkallen

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What’s Your Vision?

What’s Your Vision?

Remember the analogy you used when we started this quest for self actualization?  We compared it to a journey.  You’ve packed up your tools, assessed your strengths and weakness and gotten to know your traveling companions.  Now take your map out and spread it out on the table in front of you.  It’s time to […]

By rogerkallen

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