
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Seeing People Deeply

Seeing People Deeply

So often we look at people and even interact with them but we don’t really see them. This is something that the columnist David Brooks has talked about lately. He’s been alarmed by the growing isolation and social disconnectedness in our society in recent years. In fact, he’s said, “Many of our society’s great problems […]

By rogerkallen

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A Circle of Healing

A Circle of Healing

I recently learned about a Rabbi by the name of Sharon Brous, a founder of a Jewish Community in Los Angeles. Rabbi Brous recently wrote a book entitled, “The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and the World” in which she writes about a circle of healing and underscores the importance of […]

By rogerkallen

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Do You Relate from Fear, Duty, or Love?

Do You Relate from Fear, Duty, or Love?

So much of the quality of your relationships has less to do with other people and more to do with who and how you are in relation to other people. What are the attitudes and perceptions that you come from as you interact with others? In truth, you can do a lot to build healthy […]

By rogerkallen

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Recovering From a High School Shooting

Recovering From a High School Shooting

A sad story in modern life, at least in America, are all of the mass shootings in our public schools. As a psychologist I worked with students and their families who were directly affected by two different shootings. This is a story of how one young man recovered from a high school shooting. A Wonderful […]

By rogerkallen

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I’m Not Okay Stories

I’m Not Okay Stories

We tell ourselves stories every day. Furthermore, these stories are powerful determiners of how we feel and act in everyday life. And today I want to talk about a common story that many people repeat to themselves. I call it the “I’m not okay” story. Unfortunately, it is a story that undercuts the happiness and […]

By rogerkallen

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Rebuilding Trust by Managing My Anxiety

Rebuilding Trust by Managing My Anxiety

I recently wrote about a key moment in which I had to make a decision about how to handle a Saturday evening. The choices I made were relatively small in the grand scheme of things but allowed me to experience an enjoyable evening with my wife that could easily have been otherwise. Although small, such […]

By rogerkallen

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Letting Go of Shame by Reframing My Story

Letting Go of Shame by Reframing My Story

I recall a personal experience from when I was a boy. I was about 14 years of age. A group of us were playing basketball in the backyard of our neighbors. Jeff, the neighbor boy, got really mad about something and ran into his house. The game broke up and I walked over to our […]

By rogerkallen

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Managing Anger: A Misunderstood Emotion

Managing Anger: A Misunderstood Emotion

I’ve written quite a bit, recently and in the past, about managing our negative emotions. Learning to do so is a big part of finding peace, growing in emotional intelligence and creating more enriching relationships. Today, I want to help you understand anger, particularly the positive aspects of anger and why it’s an essential emotion […]

By rogerkallen

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What My Customers and Students are Saying

“The instructor is very informative, interesting and he gives you reasons up front why you need to take this course and the benefits of why it is important. I urge others to really consider taking this course, as it is full of tips about why the skill of listening is so important and how to improve your own listening skills to improve the relationships around you.”

Holly A. Kline

“A fantastic course for everyone at any stage of life. This subject is rarely given the attention it needs; at least in my life, I assumed because I could hear I was able to listen. So many wasted interactions. The commitment is small. The material is well put together, and Roger does a fantastic job in delivering it. The exercises and examples really help with understanding and taking the steps you need to put this material into practice. So much of your success in life, both personally and professionally, will depend on how well you master this skill.”

Dimiter Pecev

“This is an Excellent course on Listening! I started applying what I have learned from this course and noticed the amazing benefits both my personal and professional life. I highly recommend this course to everyone!”

Jo Missi

“The course was profound and easy to understand. I am excited to apply the learnings at home and in my sales career.”

James Carlo Seva

“I loved this course and my listening skills have definitely improved. Thank you.”

Anastasia Jacobs

“Loved this course, thank you! Really learnt a lot and am enjoying putting these valuable skills into practice. Great course!”

Lisa Sherriff

Very interesting course! Makes you think and become more aware of how you listen… or don’t listen… I particularly enjoyed all of the examples which help you really understand how to put into practice deep listening. I will treasure what I have learned and try hard to become a better listener from now on, and hopefully also a better parent, friend and partner.

Noemi Calabrese

“It was a very enjoyable journey. Clear, with a lot of examples that challenge us to response in a more positive way. I felt first when I heard those examples that I would never be able to answer this or that. I became more aware of what could prevent me from doing so and I’m more than willing to practice again and again to reach that goal of deep listening. Thank you for that course. ”

Aude Sagnier

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