

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Creating a Culture That Empowers People

Creating a Culture That Empowers People

In my last blog post, I shared my personal bias that most employees want to succeed. They want to contribute and make a difference. Furthermore, it’s our job as leaders to make this possible by creating a culture which empowers people; a culture in which everyone wants to give their best. Yet so often this […]

By rogerkallen

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From Delegation to Employee Empowerment

From Delegation to Employee Empowerment

In my transition from practicing psychology to full-time consulting, I was asked to serve as a director of Human Resources for a 2000-person electronics firm in the Pacific Northwest. My initial reaction was “No. I have no training in HR and am not qualified.” However, after some back and forth with the company president, I […]

By rogerkallen

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More Polarized than Ever

More Polarized than Ever

If I’m really honest with myself I feel pretty dismayed by the political debate in the country (USA) today. We have become so polarized and tribal, even in our local communities, that we can’t carry on a sincere conversation without people being offended and either shutting down or attacking those with differing opinions. How unfortunate […]

By rogerkallen

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Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible Children

Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible Children

Stop over-managing and over-indulging your children and learn parenting skills to build trust, self-worth and personal responsibility.

By rogerkallen

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Turning a Disruptive Student into an Ally

Turning a Disruptive Student into an Ally

By confronting a disruptive student I was able to help change his behavior so he became a positive influence within the classroom.

By rogerkallen

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Confronting Poor Performance

Confronting Poor Performance

Do you manage people? If so then I want to let you know that I just launched a new, state-of-the-art video training course entitled: Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performing Employees. Many business owners, leaders, managers, and supervisors do a poor job of confronting problem behavior. They ignore or side-step sensitive issues hoping they’ll go away […]

By rogerkallen

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Three Powerful Leadership Practices

Three Powerful Leadership Practices

A few years back I did some consulting work with a hospital that wanted to improve the quality of management across the entire organization (admin, doctors, and nurses).  They began by administering a survey to all employees, asking them to rate their managers on a number of management and leadership practices. From the results of […]

By rogerkallen

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Late Again–How do I Respond?

Late Again–How do I Respond?

Stood Up A number of weeks ago my wife and I arranged a meeting with the president of the local religious congregation we are serving. We were to meet at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon to plan some upcoming meetings with his presidency and other leaders of the congregation. My wife and I arrived at […]

By rogerkallen

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