

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Take A Chance

Take A Chance

Life is like a game of chance. No one knows what is going to happen next. Learn to trust your gut.

By Justin Riggs

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You are Smarter Than You Think

You are Smarter Than You Think

Asking yourself powerful questions leads to wisdom, self-reliance and success.

By rogerkallen

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Learning to be Optimistic

Learning to be Optimistic

We often think of certain attributes such as optimism and pessimism as givens, permanent and ingrained into our personalities, something that we have little control over or can do nothing about. That’s not a very helpful point of view. It renders us helpless, powerless, victims of either our genetics or early child upbringing. However, scientists […]

By rogerkallen

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Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

What if we use setbacks to inspire and motivate rather than deflate us?

By rogerkallen

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How to Deal with Setbacks in Life

How to Deal with Setbacks in Life

Setbacks happen to all of us. We recover, not only as a function of the passage of time, but by learning to manage our emotions and then moving forward by making positive choices.  

By rogerkallen

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The Belief that I’m Not Enough

The Belief that I’m Not Enough

We put way too much on having, doing, and being enough. It creates incredible stress and keeps us from loving life.

By rogerkallen

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Self-doubt shows up as different voices in your head. You get to decide how much power to give those voices. Why not listen to something bigger?

By rogerkallen

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How to Find Greater Fulfillment and Meaning

How to Find Greater Fulfillment and Meaning

Success can feel hallow and empty if our lives are not balanced, filled with love, grounded in the present, and a deeper sense of personal purpose. In fact, chasing success (wealth, beautiful home, building a business, community status, power, etc.) are all outer symbols and expressions of a desired inner experience. It is the inner experience we really want—to feel peace, pleasure, aliveness, joy, love; to find meaning; to sense that our lives are full, and that we’ve somehow made a difference.

By rogerkallen

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