
emotional maturity

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

Hello my friend, Today, I want to talk about a reactive mindset. I know from my own experience as well as working with thousands of people that it is easy to be reactive. By reactive I mean we let events, circumstances, and other people determine our feelings and/or actions and then we act in ways […]

By rogerkallen

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Black Friday Comes Early

Black Friday Comes Early

Hi my friend, In anticipation of Black Friday, I’m offering you an opportunity to buy any of my online courses at the lowest price possible until Sunday morning, November 21st at 9:00 a.m. PST. Just click on a link and you’ll automatically get the course at the discounted price, an incredible deal for the hours […]

By rogerkallen

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I-It vs. I-Thou: Do You See Your Spouse as a Person or Object?

I-It vs. I-Thou: Do You See Your Spouse as a Person or Object?

Two Ways of Being A philosopher by the name of Martin Buber said that we can come from one of two orientations or ways of being in our relationships with others. He called them I-It vs. I-Thou. Whichever orientation we adopt has huge implications in marriage as well as any and all of our relationships. […]

By rogerkallen

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When Life Doesn’t Go As You’d Hoped

When Life Doesn’t Go As You’d Hoped

I recently read a short essay by Emily Perl Kingsley about her experience of raising a child with Down syndrome. Although the essay is widely shared among parents of special needs children, the message is for all of us.  It’s about having your expectations turned upside down. Welcome to Holland When you’re going to have […]

By rogerkallen

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Self-doubt shows up as different voices in your head. You get to decide how much power to give those voices. Why not listen to something bigger?

By rogerkallen

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Which Wolf are You Feeding?

Which Wolf are You Feeding?

The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.

By rogerkallen

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How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

Each one of us talks to ourselves much of the time. Not only does this self-talk determine our moods and behavior, they literally become self-fulfilling prophecies and eventually define our reality.

By rogerkallen

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Allowing Negative Emotions

Allowing Negative Emotions

We habitually distract ourselves from our negative feelings. However, as we face them with compassion and non-judgment we experience emotional nourishment and personal liberation.

By rogerkallen

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