
happiness in marriage

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Relationship in Your Head

The Relationship in Your Head

In my last post, I wrote about strategies to build meaningful relationships. I want to continue this theme today by sharing a way for you to improve your relationships by taking responsibility for the relationship in your head. Be Proactive But first I want to say that responsibility means you’re proactive. You’re not waiting for […]

By rogerkallen

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Four Styles of Communication in Marriage

Four Styles of Communication in Marriage

I’ve written a lot of articles, in the last several months, about how to create a happy and loving marriage or relationship with your life partner. A common theme throughout has been the importance of doing things, intentionally and proactively, to foster a climate of positive rather than negative sentiment. Sure, there will always be […]

By rogerkallen

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Sexuality and Romance

Sexuality and Romance

In past blog posts, I’ve talked about a lot of different dimensions of a successful relationship. I now want to talk about sexuality and romance, another critical aspect of marriage. Although we have many close relationships with family members and friends in which we support one another, share our thoughts and feelings, and have fun […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Increase Play and Recreation in Marriage

How to Increase Play and Recreation in Marriage

  A big strategy that gets at the heart of building positive feelings and friendship in your relationship with your partner is play and recreation. By this I mean doing activities that are fun and which you can do together. Number One Factor in Marital Happiness Marriage researchers at the University of Denver did a […]

By rogerkallen

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Differences Between Men and Women

Differences Between Men and Women

In this article, I talk about differences between men and women. The purpose is to help you develop more understanding and even appreciation of your partner. So much conflict and alienation couples experience comes from misunderstanding our partner’s intent. Much of this can be reduced as we recognize gender differences. Although there are so many […]

By rogerkallen

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Guidelines to Establish (or Reestablish) a Positive Connection in Your Marriage

Guidelines to Establish (or Reestablish) a Positive Connection in Your Marriage

In my last article, I talked about four toxic patterns that diminish our feelings of safety, security and love within our relationships. And because we are human, we will sometimes fall into these patterns. But the good news is that we can recover and rebuild feelings of safety and love. My purpose in this article […]

By rogerkallen

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Toxic Relationship Patterns that Kill Love

Toxic Relationship Patterns that Kill Love

In a recent blog post I introduced the five stage of marital satisfaction: enchantment, disillusionment, obligation, friendship and mature love. In this post I want to talk about four toxic relationship patterns that prevent you from moving forward from disillusionment or obligation to friendship and love. These four patterns come from marriage research at the […]

By rogerkallen

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Five Stages of Marital Satisfaction

Five Stages of Marital Satisfaction

I’ve observed that intimate relationships often grow through five stages. I call them the five stages of marital (or couple) satisfaction. I want to offer them to you to understand the milestones in your progress towards building a happy and thriving marriage. I’m also interested in your thoughts. Do you agree? How do they fit […]

By rogerkallen

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