
hero's choice

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Courage to be Imperfect

The Courage to be Imperfect

I heard from many of you a few weeks back about my article entitled “The Belief That I’m not Enough.” Not surprisingly, the topic resonated with a lot of people and so I’d like to continue this theme by exploring ways we can conquer this self-damaging belief and create self-acceptance and confidence. I thought I’d start […]

By rogerkallen

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Example of Living by Guiding Principles

Example of Living by Guiding Principles

Moments after Air Florida’s Flight 90 left the runway at Washington’s National Airport, it was clear that the Boeing 737 was not going to fly. As it shuddered and stalled, the co-pilot said, “We’re going down,” and the pilot answered grimly, “I know it.” With a deafening crash it slammed into the Fourteenth Street Bridge […]

By rogerkallen

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A Pattern of Personal Transformation

A Pattern of Personal Transformation

The Hero’s Choice is a story about the personal transformation of Hal Stratton from a successful but emotionally underdeveloped man into a person who discovers wholeness inside and goodwill in his relationships. At the beginning of the book, Hal is not emotionally prepared to deal with the crisis of being fired as general manager of […]

By rogerkallen

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Living From My Higher Self

Living From My Higher Self

If you’ve read The Hero’s Choice, or followed me for very long, then you’re familiar with the Serenity Model, which suggests four different ways of being–Survival (all about fear and just getting by), Security (about being safe and pleasing others), Success (about achieving and accomplishing), and Serenity (about living consciously, from choice). Serenity Serenity is […]

By rogerkallen

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The Hardest Thing I’ll Ever Do

The Hardest Thing I’ll Ever Do

Making My Book a Best-Seller When I first wrote my book, The Hero’s Choice, I wanted it to become a best-seller. I don’t mean that I expected it to sell millions of copies, but certainly tens of thousands, if not a few hundred thousand copies in the first few years. I don’t think I’m all […]

By rogerkallen

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Why I Wrote The Hero’s Choice

Why I Wrote The Hero’s Choice

Why I Put Off Writing a Book on Personal Development I put off writing a book on personal development (The Hero’s Choice) for many years mostly because of the incredible number of self-help books written every year. The marketplace is flooded with people who want to teach you to to succeed, make money, be happy, […]

By rogerkallen

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Is There Something Positive Inside of You?

Is There Something Positive Inside of You?

After a long week of classes, Eliza Cameron, 19, Loren Niurka Mora, 20, and Caitlin Petro, 20, were ready to unwind. They settled on the shores of Sarasota Bay to take in the sights, chatting and idly watching a fisherman in waders, casting his rod. When the man dropped out of sight , it took […]

By rogerkallen

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The Serenity Model will Increase Your Emotional Maturity

The Serenity Model will Increase Your Emotional Maturity

Do you ever read the headlines on the celebrity rags in the grocery store check-out lines? This one is in rehab. This one is getting a divorce (again). This one feels (or at least looks) like a new woman after massive cosmetic surgery. What would it take to make you happy? The answers that pop […]

By rogerkallen

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