

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Ready for the details? (Part 2)

Ready for the details? (Part 2)

Today we’ll finish up the self assessment quiz for self actualization.  The goal right now is to determine which areas of your life you feel strongest in, and which need work.  Remember, you can’t fail this test; this is just a snapshot of where you are.   Today we’ll start with: CENTEREDNESS

By rogerkallen

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Ready for the details? (Part 1)

Ready for the details? (Part 1)

Yesterday we talked about some of the aspects of your life, and how satisfied you were with them.  Now I’d like to zero in on the individual aspects a little more with this quiz.  It’s long, so I’ll give it to you in two parts, and then we’ll talk about the results and how this […]

By rogerkallen

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Who’s Your Travel Partner?

Who’s Your Travel Partner?

Whether you consider your marriage strong or weak, you can only benefit from strengthening it.  Yesterday  you did a self-assessment.  Now let’s take a look at the triad that is your marriage – you, your partner, and the unique team that the two of you form together.   Let’s begin with a little quiz.  You can […]

By rogerkallen

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But Are You Having FUN?

But Are You Having FUN?

They say it’s the little things in life that matter, and if you think about your most precious memories, you’ll know it’s true.  You probably can’t remember most of the Christmas gifts you gave in the last few years even though you agonized over the purchases at the time, but you can remember the way […]

By rogerkallen

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Is Money Everything, After All?

Is Money Everything, After All?

Money.  We’ve heard all the sayings:  “Money isn’t everything.”  “Money can’t buy happiness.”  “You can’t take it with you.”  We spend an awful lot of time and attention talking about how money doesn’t deserve our time and attention.  But at the end of the month . . . the rent is still due.  Part of […]

By rogerkallen

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