

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Small and Simple Decisions that Make a Big Difference

Small and Simple Decisions that Make a Big Difference

It is a Saturday evening around 5:30 and I’m facing a decision. It’s not a life-changing decision but rather a little decision about how I’ll handle the evening. Relatively minor, in the big scheme of things, but one which has consequences. I feel pretty lousy. Although normally healthy, I’ve been assaulted by cold and flu-like […]

By rogerkallen

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My Ideal Self, 10 Years in the Future

My Ideal Self, 10 Years in the Future

o This is the time of year when many of us set goals. In fact, I spend the first few days of the new year thinking through my personal and professional goals. It was a useful exercise and I’ve come away with clarity and enthusiasm for this upcoming year. In general, our goals have to […]

By rogerkallen

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Finding Meaning in Goal-Setting

Finding Meaning in Goal-Setting

If you go back a few months, you know that I’ve been talking about the B part of the ABCs of happiness—Becoming. I’ve shared a number of strategies for becoming that include spending time in nature, getting exercise and building fun and recreation into your life. We’ve looked at quieting yourself through different practices of […]

By rogerkallen

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A New Year, A New Kind of Resolution

A New Year, A New Kind of Resolution

Here we are at the start of 2022—a new year, a new beginning, a new kind of resolution. Our brains like new starts. A 2014 study from the Wharton business school called it “the fresh start effect.” They defined this as a landmark moment in which we take an accounting of ourselves. We relegate imperfections […]

By rogerkallen

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A Talk with Your Future Self

A Talk with Your Future Self

Hurray for 2021! Most people are so happy to put 2020 in the rear view mirror. And yet, what’s going to make 2021 better? If you’re like me, you’re hoping circumstances will be different–that the vaccine will help us get a handle on the pandemic, that kids will be back in school, that unemployment will […]

By rogerkallen

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Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

What if we use setbacks to inspire and motivate rather than deflate us?

By rogerkallen

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Self-doubt shows up as different voices in your head. You get to decide how much power to give those voices. Why not listen to something bigger?

By rogerkallen

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Most People Want to go to Heaven, but They Don’t Want to Die to Get There

Most People Want to go to Heaven, but They Don’t Want to Die to Get There

Most people want to go to heaven, they just don’t want to die to get there.  I chuckle every time I hear this phrase. We want the rewards that come from big goals but fear the price. This is true in so many areas of life. For example, I may want: to be lean and […]

By rogerkallen

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